Ng Kian Wei
I am a full-time data scientist at National University Health System (NUHS) in Singapore.
Within NUHS, I manage the technical research and development portfolio for the
NUHS Holomedicine Programme,
with a focus on augmented reality, applied computer vision and medical image analysis.
Working closely with clinicians and other healthcare professionals, many of the research output have
or are undergoing transitions to clinical validation and early stage trials to prepare for wide-scale implementation and usage within hospitals.
On top of my day job as a data scientist, I am also currently a PhD Student at the National University of Singapore, under the supervision of
A/Prof Khoo Eng Tat.
Research Projects /
News & Media /
Teaching /
Much of my research deals with the intersection between augmented reality, applied computer vision and medical image analysis.
That being said, the below publications and projects are grouped into a few main categories for ease of browsing, depending on
the project's primary focus/contribution.
HoloPOCUS: Portable Mixed-Reality 3D Ultrasound Tracking, Reconstruction and Overlay
Kian Wei Ng, Yujia Gao, Mohammad Shaheryar Furqan, Zachery Yeo, Joel Lau, Kee Yuan Ngiam, Eng Tat Khoo
ASMUS, 2023
We improve on existing mixed-reality ultrasound (MR-US) solutions by developing a portable
system that is highly accurate (via stereo triangulation on denser ArUco chessboard keypoints).
HoloPOCUS is also the first MR-US work to integrate 3D Ultrasound Reconstruction/Projection
using conventional probes.
HoloVein — Mixed-Reality Venipuncture Aid via Convolutional Neural Networks and Semi-Supervised Learning
Kian Wei Ng, Mohammad Shaheryar Furqan, Yujia Gao, Kee Yuan Ngiam, Eng Tat Khoo
Electronics, 2023
We utilized depth and infrared sensors on-board HoloLens 2 and developed an all-in-one mixed-reality vein finding and projection system.
Spatio-temporal consistency was exploited to provide semi-supervised labels for data-efficient vein segmentation model training.
Vertebrae Segmentation with Generative Adversarial Networks for Automatic Cobb Angle Measurement
Ying Zhen Tan, Kian Wei Ng, Johnathan Tan, James Hallinan, Xi Zhen Low, Andrew Makmur, Kee Yuan Ngiam, Mohammad Shaheryar Furqan
EMBC, 2024
We evaluate the use of Generative Adverserial Networks (GANs) in vertebrae segmentation on X-ray images. In particular, work was done to
investigate if GANs could fare better than traditional models (e.g. UNet), when images were corrupted with artifacts acquired when X-ray images
were further taken with phone cameras. This work paves the way as a feasibility study towards a more user-friendly, phone-based Cobb Angle
Estimation solution.
Bridging the digital–physical divide using haptic and wearable technologies
Jiaming Qi, Longteng Yu, Eng Tat Khoo, Kian Wei Ng, Yujia Gao, Alfred Wei Chieh Kow, Joo Chuan Yeo, Chwee Teck Lim
Nature Electronics, 2024
The metaverse could provide an immersive environment that integrates digital and physical realities. However, this will
require appropriate haptic feedback and wearable technologies. Here we explore the development of haptic and wearable
technologies that can be used to bridge the digital–physical divide and build a more realistic and immersive metaverse.